Atlatl Media – Media Planning and Buying for the Next Millennium
  • We help companies provide good online experiences
    that drive strategic business outcomes.


Just as an atlatl is used to accelerate the thrown dart to accurately deliver greater impact against its target, we use Above the Line Media to accelerate and accurately deliver greater impact against a company’s target audiences to enhance its brand position, presence in social media, as well as improve ROI from its engagement, sponsorship, and activation efforts. We are currently active in all New York television and Northeastern Pennsylvania television markets.

Who we are. What we do. Who we do it for.

Think big. Get big.

It's simple, really. We offer ``big agency`` perspectives for clients with smaller budgets.

Experience depth.

Our experience dates back more than two decades. We’ve earned our bones, but we stay students of the industry.

We know your industry.

We take the time to thoroughly understand each and every industry we serve, to include: Automotive, B2B, Consumer Packaged Goods, Continuing Education, Dealer Association and Franchise Groups, Direct-to-Consumer, Financial, Healthcare and Hospital, Home Development, Retail, and Travel and CVB categories.

All media. All the time.

We know what we’re good at, and that’s what we do. Very well. Our sweet spot is planning, buying, placement, and monitoring of digital, television, out-of-home, radio, and print media.



Learn more about Evan’s decades of strategic media planning and buying experiences

How Relevant is Buying by Rating Points Against Reach-Frequency Goals Today?

Sometime back in the early 60’s, David Ogilvy or someone similar (…but it usually was David Ogilvy…He was the Messiah!) said that a TV spot needed to be seen at least three times by someone for it to have impact. The first viewing was gained the consumer’s attention, the second viewing helped seat the message in the consumer’s mind, and the third viewing cemented the consumer’s familiarity with the message.


Traditional Media Remains Effective

2016 planning season is upon us, and with the vast majority of media planning content these days devoted to digital media, including mobile and social, you might get the impression that traditional media is no longer useful.


Mobile Advertising and Marketing Approaches for Reluctant Retailers

I have spoken with many retailers and most have the same initial concerns about how to judge mobile marketing ROI and effectiveness. As a result, many retailers that could benefit greatly from this medium are instead doing very little, apart from using the medium more in a traditional fashion such as video branding ads and ads on apps.


Dealing with the Human Element

Probably more times than you can remember in your work life, you have heard or made one of the following statements (often one right after the other):



Do you have a potential project you’d like to discuss or simply want to get in touch?

Send us an email at: or use the contact form below.


    262 Hillary Lane, Penfield, NY 14526